Boards & Commissions

The City Council appoints volunteers to numerous City Boards and Commissions to serve fellow citizens and City Council in an advisory capacity and/or in carrying out functions required by city code and state statute.

Citizens interested in serving on Boards and Commissions must be residents of Hutchins, if required by state law, city ordinance, or Board by-laws. All Boards and Commission members serve without compensation in a volunteer capacity. For other specific eligibility requirements, please refer to the originating ordinance or resolution for each Board or Commission.

Applicant qualifications include the following:

  • Must be a resident of the City of Hutchins for at least one (1) year prior to the date of the appointment (unless specified otherwise in this policy);
  • Must be a qualified voter in Dallas County;
  • If other applicable local ordinances or state laws allow for other conditions not stated in this policy, those conditions shall be followed.

Appointments & Orientation

The City Secretary's Office maintains a file of applicants interested in being considered by City Council for appointment as a board or commission member. Applications are solicited as often as necessary during the year to provide a pool of applicants. Appointments are generally made by the City Council in July of each year. Terms are effective immediately. Orientation and training are provided to appointees.


Appointments may be made for a full term or to fill an unexpired term. Terms for board and commission members are generally 2 years, but terms are determined by the specific board or commission. Board and commission members may be considered for reappointment.