Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board (TIRZ)

The Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board (TIRZ) shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning reinvestment zone projects, and prepare project plans and financing plans for each zone.

  • The board is composed of at least five (5) members and a maximum of 15 (fifteen) members. The City Council may appoint up to ten (10) members and each taxing unit, other than the city, may appointment one member in accordance with the Ordinance establishing the Reinvestment Zone.

  • Members serve two (2) year terms.

  • Meetings are held as the board determines.


Name Reg/Alt Place Term Expires
Chism, Freddie Reg 2023
Gardner, Cecile Reg 2023
Hollis, Gerald Reg 2023
Nichols, Steve Reg 2023
Rader, Mike Reg 2023
Robertson, Angela Reg 2023