Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee

The City of Hutchins’ Comprehensive Plan is an important tool for ensuring that the city grows and develops in a way that meets the needs of its residents and stakeholders, both now and in the future.

The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee is working to develop a long-term document that outlines a vision for the city's growth and development. It is a blueprint for how the city will change and evolve over time, taking into account a wide range of factors including population growth, economic trends, environmental concerns, and community needs.

The updated comprehensive plan includes an analysis of the city's existing conditions, such as its land use patterns, transportation infrastructure, and natural resources. It also includes a set of goals and objectives that the city aims to achieve over the coming years, along with a series of strategies and actions to help realize those goals.

The plan is being developed through a collaborative process that involves input from a wide range of stakeholders, including city officials, community members, business leaders, and experts in various planning fields.

Once the updated comprehensive plan is adopted, it will serve as a guide for decision-making by city officials, particularly when it comes to zoning, land use, and infrastructure investments. By following the plan, the city can ensure that its growth and development is sustainable, equitable, and responsive to the needs of its residents.



Campbell, Brenda

Caldwell, Cornelius

Chadwick, Scott

Chism, Freddie

Didehbani, Dominic

Harris, Marie

King, Timothy

Madrigal, Aurora

Madrigal, Felix

O’Quinn, Michelle

Robertson, Angela

Rodriguez, Braulio