Chief's Bio

Fire Chief Stacey Hickson

Fire Chief Stacey Hickson started with the Hutchins Fire Department on June 4, 1984. He worked his way up through the ranks, becoming the second full time Firefighter ever hired by the department.  He became Acting Chief for 6 months in 1988, and then promoted to Captain in 1988. He was promoted to Fire Chief by the City Council in June 1996. He also serves as the Emergency Management Coordinator for the City of Hutchins. He holds a Paramedic certification, which he obtained in the early 1990’s. Chief Hickson retired from the department in August 2017, and returned in October 2018. 

Chief Hickson enjoys playing golf with his best friend of 45 years.  He is married, has one daughter, two step-sons, and a step-grandson. 

Contact Chief Hickson: Email